CEC, is it all it’s cracked up to be?
Let`s be clear right from the start, CEC does not stand for the Commonwealth electoral commission, or the Coolangatta embroidery club. It is of course Cation Exchange Capacity and if you have soil you have a CEC. But what is it?
Well these people describe it as the following:
‘Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a measure of the soil’s ability to hold positively charged ions. It is a very important soil property influencing soil structure stability, nutrient availability, soil pH and the soil’s reaction to fertilisers and other ameliorants (Hazleton and Murphy 2007).’
In other words, it is a loose measure of your soils ability to hold nutrients and because clay particles make up a large portion of the places that nutrients cling to it gives us an instant view of how much clay is likely to be present in that soil.
Soils with a low CEC will generally be sands or sandy loams, while those with a high CEC will usually be heavy clays but as I hinted earlier it`s not just clay that has this nutrient holding ability.
Organic matter typically has a high CEC of it`s own and light sandy soils can have excellent nutrient holding capabilities if there is enough organic material present (Think rainforest soil). Organic matter also comes with the added bonus of improving overall soil structure and water retention.
Farming next door to the GBR lagoon is not going to get any easier as time goes on Governments are only going to make nutrient management rules tighter and more complex.
So maybe the addition of some Organic NPK into your program will not only offer the already accepted soil health benefits but also go at least some of the way to reducing nutrient losses to the environment.
So take notice of your soils CEC, it may well help you decide on the best approach to fertiliser application.
Organic based, easy to use plant booster formulated to encourage a quick response. Will boost plant health, root growth, encourage fruiting and flowering as well as improving the quality of fruits and vegetables.
Great for Vegetables, Flowering Plants, Citrus & Fruit and Lawns.
For a lush green lawn with healthy growth and colour, Super Feed provides a quick response while also improving the soil.
A unique blend that also helps improve and balance the soil. Super Feed stimulates soil microbial activity, which helps in breaking down organic matter and increases nutrient availability within the soil.
Available in a handy 2L Hose on pack, 20L drum, 200 & 1000L pods.

We’re all about Soil Health here at Katek!
When your livelihood depends on having healthy, fertile soil, Katek’s Premium Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners are there to help.
Katek Fertilizers are specifically developed to enhance and improve the soil, building organic matter, soil biodiversity and assisting you to make more profit from your best asset.
Customising an agricultural blend to exactly suit your needs is something we are passionate about. Many blend options are available, including synthetic, organic and mineral inputs in both physical and compound blends.
Customised organic/synthetic blends give you a high performance fertilizer that has all the benefits of an organic base. This combination of microbes, organic matter and plant available minerals is the ideal blend for improving overall soil and plant health.
To give you an idea of what products we have available take a look at our comprehensive PRODUCT GUIDE of organic and organic based fertilisers.
We have a number of stockists throughout Australia.
Visit our WHERE TO BUY page to find a store near you. If there is currently not a stockist listed for your area give us a call.
Our Sales Manager Andrew Weeks would love to answer any questions you may have about our products and help you choose the right product for your fertiliser program or customise a blend to suit your soil needs.
For more information or to chat about product options,
give Andrew a call on 0427 223 307.