
“A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself”
. . May Sarton . .

Feature Plant:


The aromatic smell & delicious taste brings to mind tasty Italian cuisine, yum!

Garlic has many different varieties and can be cultivated in most areas of Australia. The number one tip for growing garlic is to do with environment temperature and soil quality, as garlic bulbs grow best in a full sun location in well-drained soil with fertile organic matter or alternatively with Super Growth Fertiliser Pellets added to the soil when planting.You can grow garlic from the cloves brought from the supermarket (Australian only as they haven’t been fumigated), however it is best to purchase garlic cloves from your local garden store as there any many different varieties to choose from ranging in size and flavour.
Keep up a good watering regime every few days and your garlic will usually be ready for harvest within 7 to 8 months
after planting. You will know when to pick it by the change of colour from green to brown in the leaves above the ground, this is the time to get digging and uproot your harvest.

Top Tip!

Mulch is a life saver for garlic as it regulates the temperature of the soil and keeps the crop moist during hot weather. We recommend a layer around 5 centimetres thick as it helps with weeds too – for best results try some Katek Not Just Mulch!

Feature Product:

Super Feed All-Purpose Liquid Fertiliser!

Easy to Use Powerful Plant Food
N 13% P 2.4% K 7.3% S 1.7%

Organic based, easy to use plant booster formulated to encourage a quick response.  Will boost plant health, root growth, encourage fruiting and flowering as well as improving the quality of fruits and vegetables.

Great for Vegetables, Flowering Plants, Citrus & Fruit and Lawns.

For a lush green lawn with healthy growth and colour, Super Feed provides a quick response while also improving the soil.

A unique blend that also helps improve and balance the soil.  Super Feed stimulates soil microbial activity, which helps in breaking down organic matter and increases nutrient availability within the soil.

Now available in a Quick and Easy hose on 2L pack!


How to Revive a Brown & Patchy Lawn!


PREPARE:  Use a rake or spike roller to aerate the soil and get it ready for seeding. This is an important step as the seeds won’t grow if the ground is hard and cracked.  You may choose to add a light layer of topsoil if after raking the soil is still clumpy and hard.

APPLY SEED: Seed the patchy areas with grass seed using a spreader if you have one.  Use a roller or your feet to lightly press down the soil or use a rake to lightly scarify the surface of the soil.

WATERING: Once seeded, the lawn will need to be kept moist with regular light watering to ensure the lawn doesn’t dry out.  Heavy watering will result in washed out areas and patchy growth.   Once the seeds are 8 -10 weeks, move to watering deeply once  or twice a week to ensure the roots grow deep into the soil, helping to drought proof your lawn in future dry spells.

FERTILISE: Once the seed has sprouted, a liquid fertiliser like Super Growth Liquid or Neptune Seaweed will give the new shoots a boost.   An organic based pelletised fertiliser like Super Grass every 6 weeks will slowly release the nutrients needed to keep the lawn healthy, thick and green.  The balanced ingredients improve the soil at the same time as feeding the grass, meaning stronger roots and healthier grass.  Any fertiliser that contains organic matter will help build and improve the soil over time.  Organic matter helps with moisture retention and drought proofing the lawn as well as helping the soil retain nutrients.

MOWING: Mowing is a key part of reviving a tired and damaged lawn.  When seeding new patches of lawn, wait until the new grass reaches around 6cm before mowing.  Blunt blades tear at the grass, breaking roots and stressing the lawn, allowing pests and disease to take hold.  The ideal amount to remove when mowing is one-third of the height.  Weeds are competition when it comes to grass, stealing nutrients, sunlight and water from the growing lawn.  The most cost effective way to keep weeds out of your lawn is regular mowing.

What to Plant:


Cool Climate/Temperate:

Alyssum Aster Crysanthemum
Cornflower Dahlia Dianthus
Foxglove Gazania Hollyhock
Impatiens Lobelia Marigold
Petunia Salvia Zinnia


Ageratum Aster Balsam
Geranium Gerbera Impatiens
Marigold Pansy Petunia
Rudebeckia Sunflower Verbena


Ageratum Amaranthus Begonia
Crysanthemum Coxscomb Coleus
Cosmos Dahlia Dianthus
Petunia Portulaca Salvia
Sunflower Torenia Verbena

Vegetables & Herbs:

Cool Climate/Temperate:

Beans Beetroot Capsicum
Pumpkin Rockmelon Silverbeet
Sweet Corn Tomato Turnip


Artichokes Asparagus Basil
Capsicum Coriander Sweet Potato
Tomato Turnip Watermelon


Basil Ginger Sweet Corn
Sweet Potato Taro

Super Chicken’s Top Tips!  

  • Now is the time to start planting out your bulbs for beautiful blooms come Spring! Some of our favourites to grow are Daffodils, Freesias & Hyacinths!
  • Try growing succulents or cacti’s in bright pots indoors. These wonders store water in their fleshy leaves so are easy to grow.
  • Re-mulch the whole garden! Try our  Katek Not Just Mulch which has a poultry manure base or we also love Sugar Cane Mulch!
  • Don’t forget to give your fruit trees a bit of seaweed concentrate or all purpose pellets, they’ll thank you for it with a bountiful harvest of juicy fruit!