
Feature Garden:

Jordan Simpkins, Gympie Qld!

Orchid Grown using Katek Fertilizers!

The Dancing Lady Orchid (Oncidium) is an easy to grow common garden orchid which is perfect for beginners and produces long sprays of small, bright, spotty flowers that look like ‘dancing ladies’.


“I have had great success keeping this orchid healthy and growing strong through the use of organic based fertilisers from the Katek range and grow this beauty in a greenhouse year-round until it begins flowering.”


“Each year I repot the orchid after flowering has finished, using a natural bark base, with a small handful of organic fertiliser with a balanced NPK ratio like Katek’s Super Growth pellets and add a little sphagnum moss to the top of the bark level in the pot to keep the roots moist but not soaked, especially during the hotter months.”


“I keep a regular fertiliser regime, feeding at the re-potting stage and at the start of Spring. I give it a regular water with added Neptune Seaweed Liquid in a watering can every 3 weeks in the warmer months and during the cold months leave the roots to dry out completely before watering.”


“Katek Fertilisers have worked wonders to keep the plant growing strong and healthy throughout the year and my Dancing Lady sends out 2 or 3 sprays at the start of November that come alive for around 6 weeks.”

This beauty was grown using these two products!

You can find them on our Online Store or in a Nursery or Rural Store Near You!

Happy Gardening!