“I love things that are indescribable,
like the taste of an avocado or the smell of a gardenia”
~ Barbra Streisand ~
Feature Plant:
What comes to mind when you hear the word Watermelon?
Sweet, Juicy, Delicious on hot summer days!
With a history spanning all the way from ancient Egypt this vine growing, sunshine loving fruit is well known for its bright pinkish red flesh and sweet taste.There are many varieties of watermelon with different coloured flesh – pink, white & in between.
All types are easy to grow if planted in rich, composted soil with some added Super Growth pellets when planting of course.
Always keep up a regular watering regime and mulch around the base of the plant to help keep the roots cool.A perfect treat for all the family, watermelons provide a complete array of nutrients and with a low calorie count, this fruit is great as a guilt free snack! Yum!
Top Tip:
Mulch around the base of each plant to maintain moisture levels in the heat of summer and prevent weeds taking over! We also recommend giving the vine some Katek Neptune Seaweed Concentrate for the first few weeks after planting to help get the roots established and get the vine growing healthy & strong!
“Did you Know? Pineapples are actually berries and are the only edible part of any bromeliad plant.”
Feature Product:
NEW Super Feed Liquid Fertilizer!
Organic based, easy to use plant booster formulated to encourage a quick response. Will boost plant health, root growth, encourage fruiting and flowering as well as improving the quality of fruits and vegetables.
Great for Vegetables, Flowering Plants, Citrus & Fruit and Lawns.
For a lush green lawn with healthy growth and colour, Super Feed provides a quick response while also improving the soil.
A unique blend that also helps improve and balance the soil. Super Feed stimulates soil microbial activity, which helps in breaking down organic matter and increases nutrient availability within the soil.
Available in a handy 2L Hose on pack, 20L drum, 200 & 1000L pods.
Nitrogen (N) 12.8%
Phosphorous (P) 2.4%
Potassium (K) 7.2%
Sulphur (S) 1.6%
How to:
See our tips & tricks on how to revive your lawn after Winter and keep it growing strong through the Summer Months. If an extreme dry season has taken its toll on your lawn and your lawn is like a fake tan gone wrong – brown and patchy – we can step you through what to do to get a lack luster lawn back to a healthy carpet of lush green.
What to Plant:
Cool Climate/Temperate:
Ageratum Alyssum Cineraria
Cleome Cyclamen Forget-me-not
Iceland Poppy Lobelia Lupin
Marigold Pansy Petunia
Phlox Stock Verbena
Wallflower ZinniaSubtropical:
Ageratum Aster Balsam
Celosia Coxcomb Gomphrena
Impatiens Marigold Salvia
Sunflower Torenia VincaTropical:
Balsam Celosia Coxscomb
Gomphrena Marigold Petunia
Salvia Sunflower Torenia
VincaVegetables & Herbs:
Cool Climate/Temperate:
Beans Broccoli Celery
Mint Potato Pumpkin
Rockmelon Silverbeet TomatoSubtropical:
Basil Beans Capsicum
Eggplant Tarragon Ginger
Lettuce Oregano Pumpkin
Squash Sweetcorn TomatoTropical:
Basil Rosella Sweet Potato
Super Chicken’s Top Tips!
- Continually harvest herbs to keep them trim and shapely.
- Don’t forget to water regularly in hot weather.
- Mulching around trees will help keep moisture in as well. Katek’s Not Just Mulch is perfect for this job!
- Water and fertilise the lawn with Katek Super Grass.
- Trim evergreen shrubs to keep their shape and prevent straggly growth.
- A dose of liquid fertiliser (Super Growth Liquid) will help encourage new healthy growth.