Feature Flower:
The big bright smiley faces of the Sunflower will bring a burst of colour to your garden! These are easy flowers to grow all year round. The key requirements are lots of sunshine and minimal water!
Not only are they wonderful to look at with thier large tall stalks and bristly leaves, they are great for attracting bees and birds to your garden, who love the brown centers that ripen into heavy heads filled with seeds.
Common varieties are heat and drought-tolerant and are able to be grown in all different climates. Plant these flowers where they’ll recieve plenty of sunshine and in soil that is well-drained and rich in organic matter.
There are a variety of sizes that can be grown in gardens and pots if you’re short on space. Keep up a regular dose every 2-3 weeks with Katek Neptune Seaweed Extract Liquid Fertilizer and your sunflowers will be flowering in abundance, with brighter colours and healthier stalks!

Feature Product:
Neptune Liquid Fertilizer ~ Seaweed Concentrate!
The complete garden treatment for healthy, happy plants and super grass!
An all year round seaweed concentrate that improves nutrient uptake, promotes strong root development, flowering and fruiting & builds resistance against pests and disease.
Seaweed has a broad road and balanced range of nutrients, which helps promote early flowering and cropping and increases the sugar content of fruit.
This organic fertilizer is ideal for use on all plants, flowers, lawns, fruit trees, vegetables, palms, shrubs and natives.
Available in 1L & 5L bottles, 20L, 200L & 1000L drums

Feature Garden:
Jade Simpkins, Beerwah, Queensland
Jade Simpkins, has a house block with a large backyard in Beerwah, Qld. She was searching for something to revive her dead, weed-infested lawn and gave us a call at Katek HQ. She purchased some Katek Super Grass and this is what she had to say;
“We have been trying to bring our back lawn back to life, for around 3 months without success. We looked into other fertilizers and decided that Katek was worth a try. Bam! After just one use of Katek Super Grass the results were astonishing!
We watched our lawn take off! Huge thank you to Katek Fertilizers for their great advice and product knowledge, our lawn is now looking 100% healthier and lush! The dogs are loving the new green grass to run around on, we will definitely be using it again!”

What to Plant:
Cool Climate/Temperate:
Ageratum Alyssum Cleome Cyclamen Iceland Poppy Linaria Malope Marigold Pansy Schizanthus Stock Verbena Viola Vinca Wallflower
Ageratum Aster Balsam Celosia Cockscomb Coleus Gomphrenan Impatiens Marigold Salvia Sunflower Torenia Vinca Zinnia
Balsam Celosia Coxscomb Coleus Gomphrena Marigold Petunia Salvia Sunflower Torenia Vinca
Vegetables & Herbs:
Cool Climate/Temperate:
Asian Greens Broccoli Cauliflower Celery Garlic Leek Lettuce Spring Onions Spinach
Silverbeet Capsicum Beetroot Beans Capsicum Cabbage Lettuce Silver Beet Sweetcorn Tomato
Tomato Watermelon Broccoli Cauliflower Capsicum Chillies Cabbage Lettuce Silverbeet Sweetcorn

Super Chicken’s Top Tips!
- Now is a great time to plant an avocado tree! Keep an eye out for Hass and other varieties in your local nursery.
- Plant herbs and seedlings under movable shadecloth to protect them from the harsh summers sun.
- It may pay to hold off on any pruning. At this time of year it may cause sunburn on new shoots and kill off plants.
- Its a great time to get flowering shrubs, trees and natives established before the cool autumn change comes along!