
Feature Vegetable:


Plant some delicious cauliflowers this winter! Quite easy to grow – these hearty veges will benefit from a good dose of Katek Super Growth All-Purpose Liquid Fertilizer every 3-4 weeks! These cool winter weather loving vegetables, love a sunny location in your vege patch – somewhere that receives about 6hrs per day!

You can start them from seed or seedlings and then as they sprout, transplant them into a well composted, fertilised and moist area in your vege patch, topped up with Katek Not Just Mulch of course! A great companion plant for cauliflowers are any types of beans as the nitrogen produced by the beans as they grow will feed the green leaves of your cauliflowers!

Ready to be harvested in 55 to 80 days, pick your cauliflowers when the heads are firm and tightly packed and measure about 20cm across! Cook up your harvest steamed, mashed or in a delicious cheesy cauliflower bake!

Feature Product:

**NEW** Super Cal Liquid Claybreaker!

Our newest product to the Super Hero range, Super Cal is a fast acting liquid concentrate that delivers 100% available calcium.

More effective than 20kg Gypsum!

Breaks up clay, balances the soil and improves drainage!

Super Cal is formulated to improve soil structure for gardens and lawns as well as boosting plant health, root growth and the quality of fruits and vegetables!

Available in a quick and easy hose on 1 litre bottle – this covers an amazing 220 square metres!

Feature Garden:

Neil Hansen, Gympie, South East Queensland 


Neil was chasing something to quickly establish his new front garden, to hide the house tanks and shed on his property. So he asked around for a reputable organic fertiliser and decided on using Katek Fertilizer products. Here’s what he had to say;

“I decided on Katek Fertilizers because of their range of organic products. I used a lot of different types of fertiliser from their range, including Super Growth pellets and Superior Potting Mix when prepping the soil and then mulched the entire garden with Katek Not Just Mulch after planting. To get the extra boost in growth I thought I would try their range of liquid fertilizers too and have used Neptune Seaweed Concentrate liquid & Super Growth All-Purpose liquid every couple of weeks.

“I’m incredibly happy about the amazing results – the plants just went wild with growth! I would definitely recommend Katek products to anyone wanting to start new gardens and landscaping or even with established gardens. The range of products they have available, has something for everyone & have given me the results I were chasing to get my garden established super quick!”


ABOVE: From prepped, planted & then new growth in a matter of months! Wow!

What to Plant:


Cool Climate/Temperate:

Alyssum Aquilegia Begonia Cineraria Cornflower Delphinium Dianthus Foxglove Geranium Lobelia Nemesia Pansy Polyanthus Poppy Snapdragon Stock Strawflower Viola


Alyssum Aster Dianthus Gazania Impatiens Marigold Pansy Viola


Ageratum Aster Balsam Crysanthemum Coxscomb Coleus Cosmos Dahlia Dianthus Everlasting Daisy Kangaroo Paw Marigold Petunia Portulaca Salvia Sunflower Torenia Verbena


Vegetables & Herbs:

Cool Climate/Temperate:

Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Mint Pumpkin Spinach Sweet corn Thyme Tomato


Dill Cabbage Comfrey Lettuce Parsley Sage Spinach Silverbeet


Artichoke Beetroot Celery Lettuce Silverbeet Radish

Super Chicken’s Top Tips!  

  • Want to recycle your used cardboard coffee cups? Just rinse and plant your seeds or seedlings in the top. When they are transplanted to the garden, the cup will break down and form compost!


  • Give potatoes and sweet potatoes a try this winter, just wait until they start to shoot and cover them with soil.


  • Time to give your shrubs a tidy up with a good prune back!


  • Indoor plants would a feed a of liquid or pelletised fertiliser.